• From The Death Of Socialism And Fiat Currencies To A Prosperous Future: A Geo-Political And Financial Outlook On The 2020s

    I was recently interviewed by Kevin Koskella on the Freedom Lovin' podcast. In this hour long conversation we covered a lot of ground: The current age of turmoil, ... read more

  • I was recently interviewed by Kevin Koskella on the Freedom Lovin' podcast.

    In this hour long conversation we covered a lot of ground:

    The current age of turmoil, uncertainty, volatility and psyops masquerading as a virus, requires you to be nimble, have an international perspective, and retain sovereignty over your mind and money.

    We talked about international living, the changing geo-political landscape, lifestyle opportunities across the globe and the current travel reality.

    Next, we talked about the future of finance. A new financial operating system is slowly emerging that will change everything.

    Learn about the differences between being an investor and a speculator, how decentralized finance (DeFi) works, and where you can find hardly known opportunities to make gobs of money.

    I shared my perspective on why we are heading into a dark period of civil unrest and chaos while the old system crumbles. But don't despair because from its ashes will emerge a dynamic free world full of creativity and optimism. A bright future is waiting for us towards the tail end of the 2020s.

    Finally we covered Free Private Cities as a counter-trend to totalitarian, bloated, and ethically bankrupt superstates like the European Union and the USA.

    There is a little known project in a small caribbean paradise that might emerge as the next Singapore or Dubai - a ground floor opportunity for freedom minded individuals.

    All this and more is waiting for you on the Freedom Lovin' podcast.

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